Not usually remembered as the best part of a film, these DIY efforts just might be...
Movie credits? Who cares. It's merely three minutes of advertising space for the latest pop strumpet to plug their latest single, and film director to get their name scrawled on screen as many times as possible. Right? Well, perhaps not.
As aside from abusing celebrities on Twitter and keeping a smartphone camera carefully trained on their cats, The Internet has come up trumps by producing some homemade opening movie credits that are far and away better than whatever dross Spielberg, Lucas or Snyder decided to throw in at the 11th hour. Well done Internet.
1. Man of Steel (2013)
When it comes to comic book fanboys, you can do far worse than checking out design company Will & Tale. Too excited for the release of Man of Steel before it came out this year, they took matters into their own Macs by creating their own opening. Unlike most fan-made videos, they designed everything from the news clippings to voiceover, 3D rendering of the Daily Planet building and even Superman himself. Good work, guys.
2. Iron Man 3 (2013)
A mash-up of two gargantuan blockbusters, a washed-out Tony Stark is soundtracked by Adele's Skyfall, and works a whole lot better than you'd expect it to. Well, it did win an Academy Award after all, so by rights you should be able to put it over Benny Hill and have it still sound good.
3. Skyfall (2012)
Speaking of Skyfall, a budding designer thought he'd give the 007 credits a fresh lick of '60s style and sauciness. Cue naked girls wielding guns, Bond ambling over feminine silhouettes - you know the score. Why he insists on rendering his lady admirers to ash with gunfire, however, is beyond us.
4. The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
In a fairytale story that'll both inspire wannabe animators and inevitably spawn a billion more of these custom made videos, graphic designer James Curran actually bagged himself a job with Steven Spielberg in 2011, after the director saw his handiwork on this DIY intro for Tintin. Inspiring, yes, but please please don't think it's as easy as that - otherwise you'll end up even more heartbroken when JJ Abrams shuns your naff Star Wars fan-fic - for the 815th time in a row.
5. Prometheus (2012)
With crisp credits, a dark, ominous tone and a creator able to refrain from arsing about with the acting on-screen, this Prometheus re-edit could quite easily pass for the real thing.
6. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Did you know that Little Miss Sunshine didn't have any opening credits? You didn't? Well you do now. And why would they, when this quirky animation - befitting of the film's indie tone - exists online?
7. X-Men: First Class (2011)
One part Saul Bass titling, one part Bond-esque opening and a brooding, X-Men theme remix sets up this superb fan-made opening sequence perfectly for Matthew Vaughn's '60s prequel.
8. The Dark Knight (2008)
Christopher Nolan may not care about opening credits, but it would appear some Batman fans do, and this one in particular has a sense of humour. Juxtaposing Nolan's gritty, rebooted Dark Knight with the camptastic stylings of Adam West's made-for-TV caped crusader is very funny, though we doubt Chris Nolan was tripping over himself to use it in the film, sadly.
9. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
If Christopher Nolan did give a hoot about opening credits, he could actually learn a thing or two from Dogan Can Gundogdu. This haunting Se7en-style opener gives insight into Bane's terrorist intentions for Gotham City, and uses entirely original footage throughout.
10. Star Wars
Last time we checked, no-one in Mad Men's thought to make the connection of Don Draper being a bit like Darth Vader. That might just be because it's set a clear decade before the first Star Wars was released, but this DIY offering allows us to imagine a world where 'Sterling Cooper Vader Price' is a thing, and so are lightsaber cigarettes. Careful though, we have it on good authority that they are very bad for your health.
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