If you've ever been to a major city then you've probably had at least one altercation with a particularly aggressive pigeon.
Like an ex-Big Brother contestant or a toddler, they literally know no shame. When it comes to the ruthless pursuit of food, all niceties and fears of being injured go out of the window.
In Stockholm, a flock of pigeons have launched a daring undercover mission to ensure their hunger is adequately satisfied, despite the potentially lethal consequences. Posing as commuters, they've been catching the subway and getting off one stop later to then casually forage for food at the local shopping centre.
"They stand calmly at the platform and wait for the subway train to arrive. When it does they get on, travel one stop, jump off and then head for their favorite haunts," Rasmus Sandsten, spokesman for underground operator MTR, said.
It's not exclusive to Sweden either. Check out this pigeon posing as a regular, MetroCard-carrying New Yorker:
[via UPI]
(Image: Rex Features)
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