One Pokémon Go player has caught 'Em All: here's how to be the second
One Pokémon Go player has caught 'Em All: here's how to be the second

Only a week has passed since "Gotta Catch 'Em All" transformed from a cute motto into something we chant fervently in our sleep.
And although we dreamed of the glory of being the first to catch the coveted 151, it seems a New Yorker has beaten us to it, as Reddit user ftb_hodor announced that they have completed their Pokédex.
To be truthful, ftb_hodor hasn't actually caught all of 'em, just the 142 that are available to them in America. The others either haven't been released yet or are only available in other countries.

To collect each type, Ftb_hodor caught a mammoth 4,629 Pokémon overall but claims they didn't travel any further than New Jersey.
Their collection is missing Articuno, Ditto, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres and Zapdos - none of which have been sighted since the game launched. They're also missing three regional-specific critters.
This means that unfortunately for us Brits, getting all 150 in our surprisingly-large digital bags requires more than a few plane tickets. Here's where to go to become the very best, like no one ever was.
Mr Mime, Europe
Mr Mime is only available in Europe, but there's no word yet whether Niantic took Brexit into consideration during this development.
Tauros, North America
Although our Redditor had Tauros stuffed safely away in a Pokéball, us Brits will have to fly over to 'murica to achieve the same. What a load of bull.
Farfetch’d, Asia
Reports are emerging that Farfetch’d is only available in Asia, which is a pretty large region to run around.
Kangaskhan, Australia
Don't worry too much if you haven't got any spare flights for dosh, however, as each of these creatures have also reportedly hatched from both 5km and 10km eggs.
What we're trying to say is: we believe in you. Go forth. Catch 'em. Catch 'em all.