How do you imagine the future of motoring might look? Flying cars filling the skies? Robot chauffeurs? Nissan imagines something a little different. Something a lot bigger.
Watch the video below to see all that could be possible and then hope really, really hard that this future comes true.
Nissan has teamed with world famous architects Foster + Partners to take a peek into a possible future, where your relationship with your car is very different from what it is today. They imagine a world where your car, your home and the city you live in are all connected. Intelligent Mobility, meaning cars that can think for themselves, could mean your Nissan will drive itself and, when it’s getting low on power, take itself to special parking bays to charge wirelessly. And what if your car’s battery could be used to power your home?
As the manufacturer of the LEAF, the world’s bestselling 100 percent electric vehicle, Nissan believes in a world of zero emission cars so clean you can drive right into your office, so you never need worry about finding a parking spot again. What if cleaner technology meant no more fuel stations, free power and more green space? What if your car could make the world better?
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