Man loses on FIFA. Immediately turns into the angriest lunatic in the world
Some people really don't like losing

None of us like to lose. But sometimes it's something that you have to go through, in order to appreciate the sweet victories when they come, and to improve you as a human being.
But some of us really don't like to lose. Particularly when it comes to important things, like FIFA.
Stoke City fan Elliot Hackney beat as an-yet-unknown opponent at FIFA online, and was presented with the world's angriest voice note.
Speaking to Mashable, Hackney explained the match situation.
"I was losing 2-1 and this guy had been speaking down the microphone all game. Just along the lines of 'yeahhh have that' and 'tell your mum how crap you are'."
"Then I scored two very late goals in the 90th minute to win 3-2, so I grabbed my headphones and laughed hysterically down them."
Marvellous stuff.
He said that he's contacted the man to let him know that his angry riposte had swept across the internet.
"I sent him one back saying grow up and to check my Twitter because he's gone viral," said Hackney.
"Haven't had a response yet though."
If it wasn't for the Stoke accent, we'd have sworn blind this was the work of Roy Keane.
And one last request from Hackney himself?
(Image: Shutterstock)
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