We know that Facebook watches everything we do in an attempt to get more accurate data in order to make more money from advertisers understand us better as human beings, but level of scrutiny that comes from their watchful eye may be greater than you ever imagined.
According to The Sun, you would be well advised to log out of Facebook whenever you visit a porn site on the internet - because Facebook could be tracking you. If the site in question has a Facebook plug-in, then the social media giant will know you've been there. It collects data about the websites you're using in order to better tailor adverts to your interests.
Their data policy states: "We collect information when you visit or use third-party websites and apps that use our Services (like when they offer our Like button or Facebook Log In or use our measurement and advertising services). This includes information about the websites and apps you visit, your use of our Services on those websites and apps, as well as information the developer or publisher of the app or website provides to you or us."
Despite previous promises that Facebook wouldn't ever track their users, they subsequently changed their mind. A blog post from last year written by its Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer Stephen Deadman, explained how the service will offer you holiday adverts if you've been on holiday websites, but also revealed that you can turn off this type of interest-based advertising.
However, Facebook will still know where you've been - it just won't serve you ads. And considering it will have that information potentially forever, maybe it's worth logging out before exploring the murkier regions of the internet.
[via The Sun]
(Image: Shutterstock)
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