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Free Porn Websites Could Be Shut Down Within A Matter Of Months

Free Porn Websites Could Be Shut Down Within A Matter Of Months

Free Porn Websites Could Be Shut Down Within A Matter Of Months

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Gone are the days of finding an abandoned copy of Hustler in the woods, keeping it there like some unspoken and obscene omerta, today’s generation of young men have a near-limitless archive of porn – it’s called the internet and in case you hadn’t heard it’s exponentially changed the discovering of the anatomy of the opposite sex.
Well now young men might be forced to wander around woodlands in hopes of finding a stash as David Cameron yesterday demanded that porn websites introduce scrupulous age checks or face being banned completely.
One way it is believed this move would be implemented would be via an independent regulator, working with internet service providers (ISPs) to block offending sites.
Proposing that websites ask for bank details or credit card details to help guarantee the viewer is over 18, Cameron said: "Our one nation government is working hard to make the internet a safer place for children. The next step in this campaign is to curb access to harmful pornographic content which is currently far too widely available.
"I want to see age restrictions put into place or these websites will face being shut down."
The issue certainly isn’t a new one - anti-pornography groups have frequently spoken of the risk of children having too much access pornography and of the harm it can do them. While recent months have seen Sky and other broadband operators introduce filters blocking adult content, requiring adult users to opt-out in order to view explicit content.
Between migrant rioting in Calais, ISIS and Vladimir Putin on the warpath in the Baltic, you’d think the PM would have better things to do than launch a campaign against smut, but it appears not.
We’re betting he was a Penthouse man.
[Via: Sky News]
[Images: ShutterStock, Getty]