If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Such is Anonymous' frustration with the US political machine that the hacktivist group has launched its own party, hoping to offer a "strategic alternative to the American governing system" and unite the world under the banner of peace. Which sounds quite lovely really.
"The Humanity Party (THumP) calls for a civil uprising demanding real change of the political status quo," reads the party's website, "held peacefully and according to law at voting booths throughout the United States and its Districts during the 2016 Presidential election." You can read the extensive preamble on the formation of THumP right here.
THumP is based around three key concepts:
- Establish and promote the possibility of a ONE World Government and a new Constitution that guarantees and provides worldwide basic human rights to ALL people of Earth. These inalienable human rights include the Five Basic Necessities of Life ("FBNL"): free healthy food and water, secure and safe housing, basic clothing, health and mental care, and education.
- Introduce a plan to unify capitalistic and socialistic agendas and ideologies to provide the FBNL free of charge.
- Promote peace and unity through education and common sense disclosures, thereby providing unprecedented evidence that the world's major religions have been, are, and will continue to be the cause of the world's social ills.
Quite how THumP goes from a position of an American political party to a unifying world power is beyond us, but they've got a lovely video to get you excited about the idea.
On an entirely separate note, given that Anonymous loves a good conspiracy theory, we're forming our own that the party is actually an elaborate PR stunt to promote the upcoming game Watch Dogs 2 - in which you play an athletic hacker, part of an organisation hoping to overthrow corrupt powers in San Francisco.
Ahem, watch this space.
And here's the Watch Dogs 2 logo...
Coincidence. We think not...
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