You've got your meat, vegetables and wine sorted. Your mates are arriving in a couple of hours and due to your somewhat ill-advised bragging they're expecting quite the culinary experience. The only challenge left is working out what world cuisine you're going to attempt to 'blag'.
Fear not. So long as you've got a few key ingredients and spices knocking about your cupboards, the following guide will help you conjure up an impressive international flavour combination.
Created by the gastro-loving minds of Kit Stone, the spice palates of 36 nations have been simmered down to their three major ingredients. Got some lemon juice that needs using up? Add some olive oil and garlic and you're on your way to a Lebanese dish. Left over red wine (we've been told it can happen)? Add vinegar and garlic and you'll be making a convincing Italian.
And no - English isn't just ketchup and salt.

(Images: Shutterstock)
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