Sometimes it takes the clear mind of a youngster to cut through all the nonsense, the posturing and the politicking and ask a searingly straightforward question: "why are you being so mean?"
A letter from 8-year-old schoolboy Jackson Wheeless, a student at Milis Road Elementary in Jamestown, North Carolina, to Donald Trump is going viral, as he asks a series of basic questions of the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.
“I have seen several articles about you and have seen you on the television. I think you have been very rude to many people...How would you feel if people said some of these terrible things about you that I have heard you say about them?”
Can't really argue with that can you Donald?

“I would like to know if you would want your young children or grandchildren hearing the things you say about people. Do you ever feel sorry about the things you say? Do you ever feel sorry about the things that you say that are hurtful to others? I have never heard you apologize.”
Jackson writes that the President of the United States is “supposed to be our leader,” and tells Trump, “You should be someone that we can learn from and hope to grow up to be like. I do not think you are doing a very good job of this.”
Where's that cream? Because you're going to need it for that massive burn you have Donald.
Of course, Trump probably won't care Jackson thinks about him, as he is obviously not old enough to vote for him, but the youngster writes: “We not be able to vote but we are the future. I think it’s important to have a kind, honest, caring person as our leader to look up to and respect.”
Of his own plans, he says, “I try to be a student that everyone can look up to. I will grow up to be a husband, a father, hopefully a police officer, and a good friend. I will choose to be a better person than what you have been teaching me to be.”
Is it too late for Jackson to be added to the nominations?
[via WNCT]
(Images: Rex/Kelley Wheeless)
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