11 things you (probably) didn't know about Role Models
11 things you (probably) didn't know about Role Models

A hidden bromance gem buried in the middle of Judd Apatow's string of hits, this underrated comedy managed to combine hilarity with heart without ever stepping into the dangerous realm of oversentimentality.
But aside from knowing just how much you love Role Models and Paul Rudd's epic rant against cup sizes in coffee shops. chances are these factoids might be news to you...
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1. The film was originally set to be called Big Brothers which then turned into Little Big Men which then became Role Models. During this period, the script received a rewrite from Paul Rudd himself.
2. Due to the adult nature of a lot of the dialogue, the filmmakers had to be careful about how the child actors were involved. Often, actors would be speaking to an empty chair or space. For example, in the scene in Wheeler's apartment, the line "You see, Ronnie? You get it? His dick is the gun" was spoken by Seann William Scott to a pinball machine.
3. All of the Kiss-related content had to be cleared with Gene Simmons who was completely behind the film and attended the premiere.
4. The original character of Augie was written to be younger but Christopher Mintz-Plasse was so perfect for the role that it was changed to an older role.
5. Director David Wain claimed that Seann William Scott hated his Minotaur outfit. He told Empire: "Really, he was not happy with that outfit at all. He was incredibly hot and very uncomfortable and there was a fair amount of negotiation every time he had to put it back on."
6. While the filmmakers mostly played ball with the rules, they often deliberately flaunted them. Bobb'e J. Thompson was only 10 during production so had a teacher with him to judge what was and wasn't okay for him to hear or say. But director Wain would often try to distract her on set and get Thompson to say things when she wasn't there.
7. A fair amount of the film is improvised as the script was being worked on during production and a lot of the actors, including Jane Lynch and Elizabeth Banks, come from an improv background.
8. The famed KISS pinball machine was actually bought for the film via eBay.
9. As well as star Rudd being involved in the script, Ken Marino, who plays Augie's mother's awkward boyfriend Jim, is also listed as a co-writer. Marino also starred in director David Wain's Wanderlust.
10. During an earlier scene, Paul Rudd's character insists that Love Take Me Down to the Streets isn't a Wings song yet as an elaborate in-joke, a fake version was created for the soundtrack and played during the credits by Joey Curatolo, a Paul McCartney soundalike.
11. Parks and Recreation star Rashida Jones had a small role as a new colleague of Seann William Scott's character, which you can see above.
(Images: All Star)
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