Story time: Once there was a mighty champion of the mobile phone industry. Nokia was its name, a Finnish giant whom all feared. One day two new challengers to the cellular crown, Apple and Samsung, crippled the mighty Nokia in the battle of the smartphones. Broken, defeated, Nokia crawled on scabbed knees to the similarly mobile-inept Microsoft, with dreams of forging a new mobile superpower.
Scroll forward two years and the 925 thirsts for vengeance.
The design of the 925 is understated: its 4.5inch display and reassuringly-solid build fits snuggly in the hand – not quite 3210 snug, but close. Its stand out feature is a humble looking PureView camera: the 8.7 megapixel fiend takes stunning pictures and videos thanks to a remarkably sophisticated Carl Zeiss lens. It really is one of the best smartphone cameras we’ve ever tinkered with (soon to be blown out of the water by its bigger brother the 1020, which heaves a 41 megapixel canon). A host of exclusive editing and ‘Smart Cam’ features will keep snap happy owners very content.
The Windows operating system is a riot of colourful blocks and tiles, all refreshingly customisable. The Office app is the most production welcoming experience we’ve encountered on a mobile: Word and Excel documents are pulled into a phone-friendly environment, allowing you to review, edit and share with consummate ease.
But it’s this productivity, the malleable tiles, the understated design, that sees the Nokia Lumia 925 fail to slay titans like the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy 4. It’s a conspicuous success; the perfect option for those wanting a smartphone that won’t attempt to make your dinner or pick your kids up from school. You’ll have to wait for the 1020 for Nokia’s giant killer.
You can buy the Nokia Lumia 925 here
(Images: Nokia/Microsoft)
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