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Psycho Fox Traps Eight People In Sports Club

Psycho Fox Traps Eight People In Sports Club

Psycho Fox Traps Eight People In Sports Club

You could say he was acting like a lone wolf.

A "vicious" fox trapped eight people in a Cambridgeshire Sports Club for over three hours on Saturday night, leaving terror in its wake, the BBC reports. The highlights of the siege included:


Club chairman Bruce Staines was chased around a car park after making a break for freedom, where he "tweaked his groin" trying to get back to the club.


"None of us could get out. When we tried to use a side door, the fox heard and came haring round there" said Bruce.


An unnamed woman who tried to distract Foxy with food received a bite to the hand.


One man who took a two-wheeled escape could not outpace the animal, riding into a field before falling off. "He had to fend the fox off with his bicycle," Mr Staines said.


When Graeme Brown, a pest controller of 18 years' experience was called, he soon realised he was not dealing with a standard beast. "The fox started circling my car as soon as I arrived," Feet-stamping, arm-waving and shouting had no effect, so he was "forced to beat a retreat". Brown claimed that he had "never come across such a forward and aggressive fox as this one."

The fox was eventually caught, and then destroyed. Staines, chairman of the Alconbury Sports and Social Club, said that Brown had suggested that the animal may have been urban, and thus unafraid of humans; it may have then lost its way (perhaps heading up the A1(M) by mistake) and ended up in the countryside.

He joins the ranks of legendary debauched animals, which reached a high point in 2013, when an Australian pig drank 18 pints and then had a fight with a cow. Both are now in animal heaven, no doubt creating mayhem up there too.

(Image: Shutterstock)