Album - Eddie Vedder: Into The Wild soundtrack
“Sometimes a great film inspires a great album and one of my go-tos when I’m travelling to the woods or taking a jog is Eddie Vedder’s soundtrack for Into The Wild. There’s a pathos to his voice that gives me chills. It isn’t perfectly trained, but it’s raw and beautiful.“
Film - Amadeus
“I will always love Amadeus. It’s a classic film about the human story of one of our greatest musical geniuses [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart], played perfectly by Tom Hulce. Every great story needs a great villain and F Murray Abraham tackles the vindictive and jealous Antonio Salieri perfectly.
“In classical music and all its current pomp and etiquette, we forget the very messy, human stories and people that were behind these exquisite pieces of art. I love movies that highlight those tales and give context to the music we love, past and present.”
TV show - Game of Thrones
“I’m a big Game Of Thrones fan. It’s fantastic escapist ‘event’ TV; the kind you plan your Sunday around and have everyone over to open a bottle of wine with. Not since Breaking Bad have I seen a show like that.”
Podcast - This American Life
“Ira Glass met me backstage when I was on Broadway and I was starstruck because I love his podcast. It’s more important than ever that we tell human stories as well as his show does.”
Book - Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks
“All Oliver Sacks’s books about the human brain are accessible and exhilarating, but his one about music, art and neurology hits all the things I find most fascinating. My favourite story in it is of a man who had zero musical ability, was struck by lightning, and suddenly had a desire to write symphonies.”

App - Vivino
“Take a picture of a menu and this will grade every wine. It tells me if there’s a hidden gem.”

Josh’s album Bridges and Netflix series The Good Cop are available on 21 September
(Image: Getty)