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31 July 2014
We don't want to sound snobbish (we do), but if you've not read a Charles Michael "Chuck" Palahniuk novel, you've fallen greatly in our estimations. Paulo Correa is the new class favourite - he knows them so well he's reimagined their artistry in sublime fashion.
The Philippines-based illustrator has reworked the covers of some of Palahniuk's biggest novels in the style of "lowbrow gig posters". We're not sure what sort of gigs Correa goes to, but they appear to be on the psychedelic side of things.
Choke, Snuff and Fight Club all make the series - which succeeds in making us feel as uncomfortable as the books themselves. Head to Correa's Behance site to see more of his work.
(Images: Paulo Correa)
[Via: Design Taxi]
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