A radio caller just made Nigel Farage look a little bit silly
A radio caller just made Nigel Farage look a little bit silly

It wasn’t a good day for Nigel Farage yesterday, who found himself stitched up like a UKIPPER while taking questions from the public on London’s talk radio station LBC.
It had all started so well for the right-wing politician too, when Richard, from Pembrokeshire, said he agreed with Farage that anyone living in England must speak the language fluently. Chuffed, Farage then said he couldn’t agree more and felt compelled to roll out that story about him getting a train in London and being upset at the amount of foreign languages being spoken.
But suddenly it all went downhill for Farage, as Richard then dropped this question on him:
“Just on that,” he said, “I was wondering why you’ve spent more than 20 years living in Belgium and yet you don’t speak a word of Flemish, German or French?”
Turning rather sheepish, Farage seemed stumped, asking the caller how he knew he didn’t speak those language before attempting to laugh it off by claiming he’s “very good with a French wine list”. Which only sets Richard up with another zinger: “You drink Chateau Margaux on expenses at £100 a bottle.”
Knowing his battle was done, Farage finally conceded “I’m not a brilliant linguist, I’ll admit to it.”
Well done, Richard, you now join an esteemed list...
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