Police Raid Flat After Band Uses Pig Brain in Video
Police Raid Flat After Band Uses Pig Brain in Video

Sometimes, you have to pay a heavy price for being an artist.
Leeds-based indie band Eagulls decided to use a pig's brain in their new video; buying one from a local butcher, before filming it in their flat.
However, after a gas inspector came in and spotted the organ, he alerted the police, presumably believing it to be of human origin. While the band were out, the local force then kicked down the door of the flat, before cordoning it off.
Singer George Mitchell explained, “some guy had come round to sort the gas out ‘cos we hadn’t paid the bill. He’d gone downstairs, seen there was some f*****g brain rotting and called the coppers.”
Luckily, the band were out, and blissfully unaware of the drama until they returned to find their locks had been changed.
Better shelve the plans for those skeletons in the next video chaps.
(Image: Rex)
[via NME]
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