Humanity needs to take life advice from this incredibly polite Googling grandma
We could all learn a lesson here

Everyone loves grandmas don't they? Sure, they're probably going to block vote to take us out of the EU and they've taken all the money while the younger generation are somewhat screwed, but details, details - they're always there to surreptitiously give you sweets and they're the best cooks around.
And it turns out they can also teach the world a thing or two about manners.
Ben John, from Manchester, shared this brilliant screenshot which showed his nan asking Google a question in the most polite form possible - putting a 'please' and 'thank you' at the start and end of the question.
It immediately started going viral, with people correctly deeming it truly adorable:
While others, although finding it funny, also pointed out that the behaviour could have a potentially important upside:
It spread so much that Mr Google himself even replied:
And the star of the show? Well, here she is...
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