We know that some people regard the construction of sushi as an art form, but chef Tama-chan has taken such sentiments to new heights.
These incredible pieces of sushi art are deceptively difficult to create: more than a matter of lumping together dyed rice, Tama-chan has to visualise how each piece will appear as a cross section before he rolls and slices the final work. From classic works of art such as "The Scream", to a perfect miniature globe, Tama-chan's creations are all perfectly edible sushi (though we're not too sure we'd want to eat the slightly bizarre 'baby in the womb').
If you fancy learning how to play with your food to a more artful standard you can attend one of his classes in Tokyo's Omotesando district.
(Images: Nifty Portal)
(Via: Design Taxi)
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